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The following 51 entries include the term asa.
(as) stubborn as a mule
idiom: extremely stubborn
busy as a bee
idiom: very busy and active
clean as a whistle
idiom: very clean
come as a (complete/total) surprise
idiom: to be unexpected
come as a revelation
idiom: to be a pleasant often enlightening surprise
fit as a fiddle
idiom: in good physical condition : very healthy and strong
fit as a flea
idiom: in good physical condition : very healthy and strong
flat as a pancake
idiom: very flat
free as a bird
idiom: completely free
fresh as a daisy
idiom: very fresh : not at all tired
give (something) up as a bad job
idiom: to stop trying to do something because it cannot be done
hard as a rock
idiom: very hard
naked as a jaybird
idiom: completely naked
quick as a flash
idiom: very quickly
sick as a dog
idiom: very sick