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The following 51 entries include the term asa.
as deaf as a post
idiom: very deaf
(as) drunk as a lord
idiom: extremely drunk
(as) drunk as a skunk
idiom: extremely drunk
(as) dry as a bone
idiom: completely dry
(as) happy as a clam
idiom: very happy
as high as a kite
idiom: greatly affected by alcohol or drugs : very drunk or intoxicated
as light as a feather
idiom: extremely light
(as) pretty as a picture
idiom: very attractive or pleasant to look at : very pretty
(as) quick as a wink
idiom: without delay : instantly
as quiet as a mouse
idiom: very quiet
(as) sick as a dog
idiom: very sick
(as) sober as a judge
idiom: not at all drunk : completely sober
(as) solid as a rock
idiom: having a very strong basis : very good and dependable
(as) sound as a bell
idiom: in excellent condition
as stiff as a board
idiom: very stiff