reflected; reflecting; reflects
: to block and redirect (light, sound, etc.)
A mirror reflects light.
: to give back or exhibit (something or someone) as an image, likeness, or outline : mirror
The clouds were reflected in the water.
: to cause (something, such as honor or credit) to be attributed or associated
—used with on or upon
His attitude reflects little credit on his judgment.
: to make (something) manifest or apparent : show
The painting reflects her artistic vision.
His restless journeying is reflected in his accent, which hovers somewhere above Boston, New Zealand and Australia …—
Nick Galvin
: to bend or fold (something) back
The skin of the dorsum of the foot was removed and fascia reflected to expose the tendons …—
J. S. Luckrajh et al.
: to turn (something) into or away from a course : deflect
: to throw back light or sound
A highly polished mirror reflects better than a dull one.
: to be thrown back from a surface
—used of light, sound, etc. —usually used with off or from
The sunlight reflected off of the river.
Owing to the abundance of light reflected from the white and glittering surface, no shadows were cast on any part …—
Charles Darwin
… the measure of sound reflected from the deep …—
Helen Scales
: to think quietly and calmly
She sat quietly and reflected for a while.
Take time to reflect before making a decision.
—often used with on or uponAfterwards, he reflected on the experience.
: to express a thought or opinion resulting from reflection (see reflection sense 7)
—often used with on or upon
listened to him reflect on the day's events
Things took a poignant turn, however, when they delivered an emotional speech reflecting on their recent strides toward living authentically as a genderqueer and nonbinary person.—
Curtis M. Wong
: to cause something or someone to be thought of in a specified way
—usually used with on or upon
In a tourist destination …, anything unsightly, anything unattractive, reflects badly on the whole community.—
Steven Mayer
Nebraska Deputy Education Commissioner Deborah Frison said earning a perfect score reflects well on both the students themselves and their support system.—
Erin Bamer
: to tend to bring reproach or discredit
—usually used with on or upon
"… They said that it was sheer rudeness not to ask her, and that it reflected on us all …"—
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Some leaders claim that until they shout, their team doesn't take them seriously, but … this reflects more on the leader than the led.—
Abiola Salami
: to have a bearing or influence
This is the atmosphere I have to picture; the condition of the times as it reflected on the growth of the church, and the condition of the church as it reflected on the growth of civilization in this city.—
William Denison Lyman
: to become mirrored : to produce a mirrorlike image
—usually used with in or on
The moon reflected on the water.
As you stand below and look up, you see this dramatic pie-slice of sky reflecting in the glassy facades on either side of the notch.—
Steven Litt
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