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Est. 1828
Word History (page 3)
'Volatile': Stable Meanings for a Flighty Word
It originally meant "having wings"
'Shutdown': An Essential History
We're open for word business
‘Stay in Your Lane’: A History
Focusing in on what we do best
15 Words that Come from Names and Nicknames
What if your nickname became a dictionary entry?
What Does It Mean to 'Pull Out All the Stops'?
We hold back nothing in this article.
This History of 'Up to Snuff' is Up to Snuff
What is 'snuff' and how high up is it?
What Does Your 'Gut' Tell You?
And should you listen to it?
The 'Oops' and 'Whoops' In 'Upsy-daisy'
Mistakes (and variant spellings) happen.
Putting the Eff in 'Ineffable'
There are no words.
How English Grew Its 'Mustache'
A common word, but only by a whisker
A Pram Through the Nabe: Words Formed by Shortening and Alteration
New words that came from bigger words
On 'Caravan' and Words for People in Movement
A cavalcade of words for travel
The Unsettling History of 'Off-putting'
A word for the repellent
'Janitor': A Word History
The One Who Holds All the Keys
The Strangeness of 'Going Bump In The Night'
The origins of a spooky phrase
'Ditto': A History
The same, but different
Living by the Sword: On ‘Forte’ and ‘Foible’
Etymology on the cutting edge.
The Surprisingly Physical History of 'Feisty'
A look at its gassy origins
The History of 'Squirrel'
From "shadow" + "tail"
It's a 'Travesty'
A genuine word for a cheap imitation
'Decadent': Luxury or Decay?
That dessert might kill you
Hunting 'Snark' (and 'Snarky')
A not-so-sarcastic history
What Exactly Is 'Normal'?
The history of a regular word
What Does It Mean to ‘Thwart’ a Plan?
If it weren’t for you meddling kids...
Spinning the Tale of 'Spin Doctor'
It's all how you work the angles
'Banana Republic': A History
Way more than just clothes
The Many Different Faces of ‘Franchise’
How one word got so many meanings.
Is It 'Ornery' Cuss or 'Ordinary' Cuss?
Their history isn't that difficult
Kicking It with 'Kick the Can Down the Road'
We couldn't put it off any longer.
The History of 'Aplomb'
Perfectly balanced and composed
A Conspectus On 'Witch Hunt'
Pointing fingers at the term's history
Hackneyed Phrases of Yore
They're obsolete now, but were overused then
An Explanation of Why We (Sometimes) Truncate Definitions
Why 'invitation' is "the act of inviting"
'Flight': A Great Way To Try New Things
A sampler pack full of word history
'Vaccine': The Word's History Ain't Pretty
Don't say we didn't warn you.
'Brainwashing': A History
It was only sometimes literal.
'Tender' and Its Not-So-Delicate History
A soft word, firmly planted.
'Creep': A Skin-Crawling History
Where it's from and where it's going
If the Shoe Fits
10 words for types of shoes
'Franchise': Profit from Freedom
From freedom to voting to fast food
An Undiluted History Of 'Shandy'
Crisp and refreshing
What is a 'Firebrand'?
It comes from 'fire' + 'brand'
'Bellwether': The Original Trend Watch
Following the Leader Like Sheep
The Strange Story of 'Lumber'
More than its raw materials
The Declassified History of 'Security Blanket'
It's older than 'Peanuts'
'Ostracize': Making That One Person Go Away
When the tribe has spoken.
Spelling Out the History of 'Spell'
Spelling is magical! And smart.
The Noisy History of 'Saber-rattling'
Not just a bunch of bluster.
A Matter-of-Fact Look at 'Deadpan'
Surely we can be serious.
Putting the History of 'Limelight' Center Stage
It's, ahem, an illuminating story.
'Tiddleywink': A Game, A Bar, And A Drink
A silly word with a sordid past
The 'Infortunate' Dictionary Scam
The story of a little-known swindle
A ‘Taxicab’ Confession
Can never find one when you need one.
How a Ghost Word Appeared in the Dictionary
An imaginary word that snuck into the dictionary
'Punchable': A Story of Money, Sex, and Violence
Nothing but the hits
The History of 'Doctor'
Just who qualifies as a doctor anyway?
Faster Than a 'New York Minute'
It's older than just a flash
Going Greek: 7 Words from the Greek Alphabet
When English borrows from another alphabet
A Brief History of 'Potshot'
Duck, or you might be dinner
What time Is 'noon'?
It used to be later in the day.
The History of 'Laundry List'
Yes, it's from the laundry industry.
Get Looped In on 'Feedback'
It's more than just noise.
Puppies, Puppets, and Pupils: A Little History
Who can say 'no' to puppies?
When a Recipe Was a ‘Receipt’
A usage passed down generations
How Basketball Upsets Became 'Cinderellas'
A term that came from outta nowhere.
The History of 'Hot Mess'
It's older than you'd think
10 Word Histories from the U.S. Congress
Whips, beans, hoppers, and more
Does 'Implicit' Mean "Wholehearted" or "Implied"?
'Pillory': A Public Display of Word History
From physical punishment to scornful words
The Must-Read, Smash Hit Story of 'Blurb'
Word history you can't put down
The Not-Very-Dangerous History of 'Liaison'
Period dramas notwithstanding
The 411 on Words Meaning "Information"
Get the inside scoop on spilling the beans.
Let's Organize the History of 'Cabinet'
Taking word meanings off the shelf
'Exaggerate': An Accumulation of Meaning
From "pile up" to "overstate"
Why 'Iterate' and 'Reiterate' Mean the Same Thing
We tell you again and again.
The Fault (and Words) in Your Stars
Words that were written in the cosmos
'Momently' Once Meant 'Momentarily'
A word that had its moment
Those Were the Days: On 'Nostalgia'
When missing home was a disease
What is a 'sea change?'
It's something rich and strange.
The Tired History of 'Fatigue'
If you're not too weary
What Is 'Treason,' Anyway?
Clarification on a complicated word
A Stroll Down the History of 'Boulevard'
From fortification to four lanes
The Strange Route from 'Cadet' to 'Cad'
It's not as simple as dropping the -et.
A Brief History of 'Complicit'
It literally means 'folded together'
Calling 'Dibs': It's A Child's Game
Before calling them, people threw them.
'Misdemeanor': Not Always a Crime
It was once "bad behavior"
The Languid Story of 'Lackadaisical'
From "expression of woe" to "why bother?"
The Sleepy History of 'Litter'
From a royal vehicle to a public nuisance
The Appetizing Origins of 'Slush Fund'
There's always money in the bacon fat.
'Kitty-corner': A History
The feline implications are new.
A Retrospect Of Words From 1918
A centennial celebration
'Bonanza' and Other Words from Mining and Prospecting
There's words in them hills
Distilling the Essence of 'Quintessence'
It's just heavenly.
The Story of 'Ravenous' and 'Ravishing'
Hungry for beauty?
How 'Muckraker' Got the Dirt
At first it didn't refer to muck or rakes.
A Note On The History of 'Anthem'
From religious hymns to national pride
Why Were Shoemakers 'Snobs'?
The word wasn't always so hifalutin.
How Come People Say 'How Come'?
And is there anything wrong with it?
The Modern Goings-On of 'Bespoke'
And can you afford them?
The Strange Path of 'Unbeknownst'
From country dialect to standard English
The Secret History of 'Bonfire'
A good fire made of bones
The History of 'Restaurant'
Yes, the French are involved.
'Dis': From Early Rap to Academic Journals
The word has quickly taken center stage
The Synonyms 'Discover' and 'Invent'
In the past, you could invent fruit.
The Origins of 'Lobbyist'
From the front hallways to the back rooms
The History of the Word 'Terrorism'
Noah Webster first entered the term in 1840
The History of 'Third Rail'
From the subway to politics
'Unicorn': Nothing Is What It Seems
They didn’t always look like that.
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