How to Use vascular in a Sentence
The vascular system can also move warm blood to what Dr. Hedge calls the shell of the body, such as the skin and limbs.
—Heidi Mitchell, WSJ, 5 Dec. 2018
That disease plugs up the vascular system and the plant dies.
—Neil Sperry,, 12 Mar. 2020
Once in the live oak, the fungus cells grow to block the vascular system and kill the infected live oak.
—San Antonio Express-News, 23 Feb. 2018
The antlers of both bucks were still in full velvet, which is a vascular skin that bucks will begin shedding in the fall.
—Detroit Free Press Staff, Detroit Free Press, 2 Aug. 2017
In all 12 cases, the cause of death was found within the lungs or the pulmonary vascular system.
—Elizabeth Cooney, STAT, 6 May 2020
Looking at the leaves, the tree appears to have some kind of vascular infection, as well.
—oregonlive, 13 Nov. 2022
Miller's surgery called for vascular specialists to be called in to repair the damage to his leg.
—Scooby Axson,, 30 Oct. 2017
Or ask a neighbor, who will tell you that these guys suck the juices from plants' vascular systems and drain the plant of some of its nutrients.
—Jeff Lowenfels, Anchorage Daily News, 5 July 2018
The group showed that in a mouse model, the vaccine did increase vascular leakage.
—Gretchen Vogel, Science | AAAS, 22 Apr. 2021
The results of a vascular laser can vary depending on the patient.
—Jessica Cruel, SELF, 29 June 2017
These types of vascular tumors are benign, but mine had burst, and blood was pooling in my brain.
—Danielle Soviero, Bon Appétit, 30 June 2022
The cause was atherosclerotic vascular disease, said a son-in-law, James Onken.
—Washington Post, 13 June 2018
An ultrasound confirmed the bleeding, and a vascular surgeon was called in to try to stop it.
—Los Angeles Times, 14 July 2021
The near-boiling water causes all the water in the vascular elements to heat up and expand and force the air out.
—Paul Cappiello, The Courier-Journal, 9 Feb. 2024
Nitrogen might help, even to the point of having the arborist inject it into the vascular system of the tree.
—Neil Sperry,, 11 June 2020
An X-ray found no fractures or vascular injuries in her hand, which was put in a finger splint.
—Tribune News Service, Hartford Courant, 26 Apr. 2024
Apply Cut Vine and Stump Killer to a fresh pruning cut, and it gets translocated through the vascular system into the roots to kill the plant.
—Calvin Finch, San Antonio Express-News, 5 Feb. 2021
The vascular surgeon, who does his rounds only at 11:45 p.m.
—Weike Wang, The Atlantic, 26 Oct. 2024
Today, the hospital’s heart and vascular unit is named for him.
—David Heath, USA Today, 17 June 2021
Pits on these tracheids (black) allow water to pass in and out of the cells and into the vascular system.
—Andrea Gawrylewski, Scientific American, 9 Oct. 2020
Guests at Arcis must have their retinas scanned to go through the first door, then present their bare forearms for a vascular scan at a second door.
—Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, Longreads, 29 May 2018
Is that an aneurysm waiting to burst, or a harmless vascular variant?
—Dhruv Khullar, The New Yorker, 12 Jan. 2024
The cause was vascular dementia, said Tony Platt, a longtime friend.
—New York Times, 29 June 2021
His doctor wanted him to see a vascular surgeon forty-five miles away.
—Bud Shaw, Popular Mechanics, 27 Sep. 2016
The cause was vascular dementia, said a daughter, Karen Miller.
—Staff Reports, Washington Post, 23 Sep. 2017
The fungus spreads like proverbial wildfire, clogging up the plant’s vascular system, and killing it.
—Steve Bender, Southern Living, 20 Aug. 2019
The cause was vascular dementia, said a son, Rolf McQueary.
—Washington Post, 8 Oct. 2021
The vascular neck restraint puts pressure on the carotid arteries, reducing blood flow to the brain.
—Andrew Wolfson, The Courier-Journal, 20 Apr. 2021
There is a lot of vascular and nerve structure in our toes, Torres-Hodges says, which is potentially fragile–not to mention the small bones.
—Lauren Leffer, Popular Science, 21 Nov. 2024
The current research applies mainly to Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia, the latter of which is caused by strokes, noted Hornberger.
—Shiv Sudhakar, Fox News, 3 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'vascular.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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