How to Use truther in a Sentence
Now This story might not convince a die-hard Deep State truther.
—Whitney Phillips, Wired, 24 Nov. 2020
This seems to be a reversal for Zuckerberg, who was once a fake-news truther.
—Jane Mayer, The New Yorker, 12 Mar. 2018
And yet a steady gurgling of moon truther ephemera has remained since the 1970s, from books to documentaries and now, YouTube videos.
—Rebecca Jennings, Vox, 24 June 2019
Though some stubborn fans still don’t believe the Lyanna thing (shout out to the N+A=J truthers, that fact is pretty much canon at this point.
—Joanna Robinson, HWD, 12 July 2017
Yes, and sometimes that wins out over aluminum cancer truthers.
—Adam Hurly, GQ, 28 Mar. 2018
The nerds had their subreddits and Metafilter threads, the artists had their zines and Tumblrs, the 9/11 truthers had their email lists and subway pamphlets.
—Kevin Roose, New York Times, 27 June 2018
The Sixers were always a bit of a sleeper team this season, but even the most excited Hinkie truther would likely have been hard-pressed to guess this team would win 50 games.
—The Crossover Staff,, 11 Apr. 2018
All those Jon/Daenerys truthers must be psyched (except they're related, if that even matters)!
—Dave Holmes, Esquire, 21 Aug. 2017
One of the biggest pieces of evidence that Jana truthers have been pointing to when trying to prove that the relationship is fake is Tana's engagement ring.
—Carolyn Twersky, Seventeen, 2 Aug. 2019
Trubisky truthers quickly dismissed the rankings as football geeks gone wild and wondered what in the name of Andy Dalton their quarterback had to do to gain some respect.
—David Haugh,, 22 Aug. 2019
There’s a second CandyStore study that candy corn truthers cite.
—Elise Taylor, Vogue, 20 Oct. 2017
Things take a number of surprising turns as the group’s pursuit of the truthers and their money becomes more perilous and improbably amusing.
—Ann Hornaday, Twin Cities, 25 July 2019
The sneaker is currently on sale on most sites, which, according to sneaker analyst Matt Powell (and known Yeezy truther) doesn't bode well for the style's long-term success.
—Jake Woolf, GQ, 21 Dec. 2017
In fact, top-sheet truthers are passionate and offer reams (bolts?) of compelling evidence for the superiority of this choice.
—Liz Krieger, Town & Country, 20 June 2018
In addition to shade, the dictionary also added over 1,000 new words including binge-watch, fast fashion, political truther, Seussian and more.
—Lauren Alexis Fisher, Harper's BAZAAR, 7 Feb. 2017
The average YouTuber isn’t Shane Dawson, however, and neither is the average moon landing truther.
—Rebecca Jennings, Vox, 24 June 2019
In blog posts on the popular conspiracy-theory website, people used the word truther as a matter-of-fact descriptor for several years.
—Kaitlyn Tiffany, The Atlantic, 17 Mar. 2021
These Shazaam truthers were all riffing off one another, giving each other subtle suggestions to form a false narrative that exists in their minds.
—Brian Resnick, Vox, 23 July 2018
But on the internet, where anxiety is profitable and dramatic claims are shareable ones, a fireworks-truther community has taken shape within a matter of days.
—Kaitlyn Tiffany, The Atlantic, 24 June 2020
The seemingly innocuous exchange has become a touchstone for UFO-sighting enthusiasts and alien truthers, and now, seemingly fake news.
—Alex Horton, Washington Post, 10 Apr. 2018
The front-runner for the Arizona gubernatorial nomination is a full-on election truther who is wielding her lurid conspiracy theories as a weapon in the primary.
—The Editors, National Review, 1 Aug. 2022
Halbig’s investigation, with its veil of earnest inquiry and Infowars’ endorsement, had reinvigorated the Sandy Hook truther movement.
—Amanda J. Crawford,, 17 Aug. 2022
That, luckily, didn’t happen (Niburu-truthers now have now recscheduled the crash for October 2017), but in recent years scientists have discovered real evidence of a hidden planet.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 2 Mar. 2017
That, luckily, didn’t happen (Niburu-truthers now have now recscheduled the crash for October 2017), but in recent years scientists have discovered real evidence of a hidden planet.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 2 Mar. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'truther.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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