How to Use sinner in a Sentence
Now to the saint and the sinner must be added the singers.
—The Economist, 3 Oct. 2020
To call a place a hell is to slander its users as demons and sinners.
—Matthew Gavin Frank, Harper's Magazine, 14 Dec. 2022
Or at least does not a child of a sinner deserve to eat?
—Michael Taylor,, 17 Apr. 2020
Religion at its worst can be a tool to divide — the saints and the sinners.
—Dave Schilling, Los Angeles Times, 25 Apr. 2023
As the home crowd erupted, Malkin spread his arms and howled, the sound of a sinner who had found atonement . . .
—Alex Prewitt,, 17 Apr. 2018
From the night’s saints to the sinners, here’s a look at the best, worst, and craziest looks from the 2018 Met Gala red carpet.
—Cady Lang, Time, 8 May 2018
All of us are sinners who can only be saved by God’s grace.
—Emma Green, The Atlantic, 28 Oct. 2017
In Mr. Smith’s telling, Rasputin was neither a sinner nor a saint, and very much a product of his time.
—Steven Lee Myers, New York Times, 29 Dec. 2016
Yet God had sent His only Son into the world to save sinners.
—The Economist, 1 Mar. 2018
Pray for us sinners Now and at the hour of our death Steven kept a journal on his computer.
—Blake Nelson, San Diego Union-Tribune, 16 Apr. 2023
On his quest to rid Riverdale of all sinners, the Black Hood visited the Sugarman in jail and shot him to death.
—Jasmine Gomez, Seventeen, 10 May 2019
The soul was a thing shaped like a dog bone that resided in the center of a person’s chest and served as a kind of sinner’s scoreboard.
—Mary Schmich,, 29 Oct. 2019
Hal's mom told Hal that the Conways were sinners who deserved to die and that their town needs to do better.
—Christopher Rosa, Glamour, 9 May 2018
Plus, the sinner has been known to wear mirrors on the tops of his shoes for wanton upskirting.
—Washington Post, 11 Mar. 2021
If there are no objections, the sinner will be sliced up and chunks of him will be distributed among the rings.
—Washington Post, 11 Mar. 2021
Roach connects it to faith; about not condoning the sin but still loving the sinner.
—Ryan Martin, Indianapolis Star, 23 Oct. 2019
Not just among the other sinners at my parish, but with the characters in the Holy Week narratives.
—Michael Brendan Dougherty, National Review, 9 Apr. 2020
Like many on Side B, he’s since been called both a sinner for being gay and a self-hater for choosing celibacy.
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 7 Dec. 2022
On this Palm Sunday there were many sinners at Amen Corner.
—Joseph Goodman | [email protected],, 15 Apr. 2019
As the world braces for the First Monday in May, here are pop culture's most mesmerizing saints and sinners.
—Lauren Valenti, Vogue, 19 Apr. 2018
In No Exit, three sinners are locked in a room together.
—Josephine Livingstone, New Republic, 12 Jan. 2018
The sinner, washed with the cleansing waters of attention.
—Megan Garber, The Atlantic, 1 Aug. 2017
Smith calls them sinners, but accepts the financial support the Duchess offers to her cause.
—Steve Mannheimer, Indianapolis Star, 20 Dec. 2017
Against the backdrop of Zaytoven’s holy production, Future is just a sinner like the rest of us.
—Hannah Giorgis, The Atlantic, 6 July 2018
But Orwell, who had no use for religion of any kind, missed the point: For Greene, the sinner was uniquely close to and knowledgeable of God.
—Terry Teachout, National Review, 4 Mar. 2021
Prepare to be pegged by Satan’s pitchfork in hell, sinner.
—Sophie Saint Thomas, GQ, 20 June 2017
Jesus…loved sinners, people who didn’t deserve it, that’s what grace is.
—Newsweek Special Edition, Newsweek, 5 Mar. 2018
As Oscar Wilde said, every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.
—Fox News, 27 Aug. 2018
Shades of Thornton Wilder and John Steinbeck flicker in this elegy to the down and out, the dreamers and the sinners who lose everything, even their sense of themselves.
—Karen D'souza, The Mercury News, 3 Aug. 2024
And unlike many of those films, its avoidance of forgiveness as a simple fix in turn avoids shifting the responsibility of the sin away from the sinner to the victim.
—Robert Daniels, TIME, 18 Oct. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'sinner.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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