How to Use opposed in a Sentence
Of course, there are many still opposed to the rule-breaks.
—Amy Gunia, Time, 6 Aug. 2021
For Supreme, the move could hardly seem more opposed to its ethos.
—Marc Bain, Quartz, 10 Nov. 2020
Love stands opposed to death—it alone, and not reason, is stronger than death.
—David Treuer, The New York Review of Books, 6 July 2020
Some of them remain opposed to HB 1381, lamenting the loss of farmland that the bill could cause.
—Sarah Bowman, The Indianapolis Star, 2 Apr. 2021
This doesn’t mean that the labels are wholly opposed to AI.
—Kate Knibbs, WIRED, 24 June 2024
These kids coming out of Theodore High School are not opposed to good, hard work.
—John Sharp | [email protected], al, 14 Sep. 2023
Some of those sitting out the shot are adamantly opposed to the vaccine while others claim to still be on the fence.
—Robert Hart, Forbes, 5 Sep. 2021
McCarthy is still opposed to the idea of a short-term debt limit increase.
—Kathryn Watson, CBS News, 15 May 2023
John, 61, was happy to hear it, and not opposed to his son's return to football.
—Mark Craig, Star Tribune, 28 Nov. 2020
Pushing openly for the overthrow of Henry, the gangs are opposed to the entry of the force into Haiti.
—Jacqueline Charles, Miami Herald, 6 Mar. 2024
There were many equally opposed to the calls to pack the court, with the same suggestions that democracy was at stake.
—Peter Suciu, Forbes, 15 Apr. 2021
In fact, those who saw costly ads touting the measures were more opposed to them.
—Lila Seidman, Los Angeles Times, 5 Oct. 2022
Stewy and Ewan are in favor, for instance, while Sandy and Sandi are opposed.
—Alan Sepinwall, Rolling Stone, 29 May 2023
The vote was 10 in favor, four opposed and one abstention.
—Maggie Fox, CNN, 23 Apr. 2021
For decades, unions opposed guest worker programs such as Vermont's in the mid-1970s.
—Joseph Simonson, Washington Examiner, 1 Feb. 2020
Braun is among a group of Republicans who remain opposed to the House bill.
—Susan Ferrechio, Washington Examiner, 17 Mar. 2020
Galarza spoke out against the new contract and won support from many of those who were most vocally opposed to it.
—Gene Maddaus, Variety, 6 Feb. 2022
Local fishers are strongly opposed to the plan, and there have been street protests in South Korea.
—Chris Baraniuk, WIRED, 18 July 2023
Lawmakers would have known this ahead of the vote, as Cox threatened to veto last year’s opposed ban.
—Robert Gehrke, The Salt Lake Tribune, 8 Mar. 2022
The Bay Area shows the closest margin, with 64% in favor to 32% opposed, according to the poll data.
—Robert Salonga, The Mercury News, 19 Sep. 2024
Porter later came to support a cease-fire, while Schiff remains opposed to one.
—Benjamin Oreskes, Los Angeles Times, 12 Feb. 2024
Of the comments, 47 are in favor of keeping Parr and Hoffman’s books in the curriculum, three are opposed.
—Lizzy Alspach, Baltimore Sun, 8 July 2024
Again, the draft is more about maximizing the amount of talent and the long-term talent on your team as opposed to filling needs.
—Scott Patsko, cleveland, 20 Apr. 2020
The people who are opposed to aid should realize that this is a very powerful source of strength for us.
—CBS News, 9 Feb. 2025
New rules emerged—rules that were somehow still opposed to the old rules but attempted to perform the same functions.
—Andrew Hartz, WSJ, 7 Aug. 2022
LeJeune said the entire group remains opposed to tolling.
—al, 23 Nov. 2020
Second-and-seven, second-and-eight as opposed to second-and-four.
—oregonlive, 13 May 2020
So, in trying to play two twin brothers who are so opposed, there’s still some semblance of love beneath it all.
—Brian Davids, The Hollywood Reporter, 21 Feb. 2025
The rule needs Congressional approval – and there are some who are opposed.
—Ted Koppel, CBS News, 10 Dec. 2023
However, most Democrats have remained firmly opposed to the bill.
—Jackson Thompson, Fox News, 22 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'opposed.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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