How to Use honk in a Sentence
- I honked at the car in front of me.
- We could hear the geese honking overhead.
Many of the cars honked and hung black flags out their windows.
—Aron Heller,, 19 Mar. 2020
At that point, a passerby in a truck honked the horn and yelled at the dog, which ran away.
—John Benson, cleveland, 15 Jan. 2020
The driver honks the horn while speeding down the middle of the snowy street.
—Dac Collins, Outdoor Life, 3 Jan. 2024
The cars around us honked and weaved — was this really worth it?
—Evie Carrick, Travel + Leisure, 12 Dec. 2023
The witness drove behind the Grand Prix and honked the car's horn before driving around the car.
—Carol Robinson | [email protected], al, 6 Feb. 2020
Soulia would drive over, honk, and the family would be dressed and ready to step out the front door.
—USA Today, 1 Apr. 2020
Bushelon said there were cues during the video for the church members to honk their horns.
—Mike Cason | [email protected], al, 28 June 2020
Drivers honked and waved, some with tears in their eyes, said Jill Sady, who was holding one of the signs.
—Tom Bell, Washington Post, 28 Oct. 2023
If a bear does approach, drivers should honk and drive away.
—Caitlin O'Kane, CBS News, 3 May 2023
People waved flags, crowds chanted and clapped, and cars honked their horns.
—Tomás Mier, Rolling Stone, 5 Oct. 2023
Packard asked lawmakers to honk their horns or flash their lights to vote yes.
—Holly Ramer, Star Tribune, 6 Jan. 2021
Since much of the traffic was headed to the track, horn honks were numerous.
—Tim Sullivan, The Courier-Journal, 1 Nov. 2019
Participants were asked to clap and cheer but not to honk their horns.
—Baltimore Sun, 30 Mar. 2023
Passers-by honked their horns and waved, while others took pictures.
—Anthony Man, Sun Sentinel, 21 Mar. 2023
The sounds of worms and microorganisms at work emerged as the honking peals of a saxophone.
—Anna Wiener, The New Yorker, 13 Nov. 2023
The game begins with a scene of a park with an onscreen instruction to press a button to honk.
—Daniel Wolfe, Quartz, 20 Sep. 2019
While many people honk in support, others jeer and yell at him.
—Tara Duggan,, 9 Oct. 2020
Cheers went up among a small crowd gathered to watch the fallen general as cars circled the area and honked.
—Sarah Elbeshbishi, USA TODAY, 4 June 2020
On the streets of the capital, Tunisians honked their car horns in celebration.
—, 14 Oct. 2019
The capital got loud: Protesters banged pots and pans and the streets filled with the sounds of honking horns from passing cars.
—Andrea Miliani, Teen Vogue, 30 Oct. 2019
Some set off fireworks or honked from their cars and motorbikes.
—Clifford Krauss, New York Times, 12 Nov. 2019
The only honking is that of Canadian geese, mixed with the trill of bird calls and patter of the garden fountain.
—Jessica Gelt, Los Angeles Times, 17 May 2023
Tourists have struggled with the winding one-and-a-half lane road that goes through the village, honking their way through any traffic.
—Eric Bellman, WSJ, 22 Jan. 2020
Friend Two nicely asked Friend One (the pro dog-walker) to refrain from honking while her dog was present.
—Amy Dickinson, Detroit Free Press, 2 Apr. 2023
For months, Frankie, who’s around 3 years old, searched for Gretel around the farm, honking and staying outside his shed at night.
—Kyle Melnick, Washington Post, 8 Mar. 2023
Neighbors heard his screams for help amid the struggle and tried to scare the bear away by yelling and honking horns, but to no avail, officials said.
—Meredith Deliso, ABC News, 16 June 2023
The laws are different from noise ordinances, which may ban honking at certain times and places.
— Wire Service, The Mercury News, 26 Feb. 2024
Charlie is still taking antibiotics for his injuries but is calmer and honks in excitement when Hermon greets him.
—Kyle Melnick, Washington Post, 7 Mar. 2024
Steal their glasses, taunt them with honks, drop the glasses out of their reach.
—oregonlive, 1 Oct. 2019
That's about patience — as is my honk at the driver in front of me reading texts.
—Christopher Borrelli Chicago Tribune (tns), Star Tribune, 2 Nov. 2020
There will also be the honk of late-night traffic and the clatter of passing trains.
—Boyce Upholt, Outside Online, 27 Mar. 2020
The most obvious symptom is a strong cough that can sound like a honk.
—Tess Williams, Anchorage Daily News, 27 Jan. 2021
Out of the basement, the beeps and honks of the synth danced around one another, just as the voices did in Paris some 900 years ago.
—Jason Farago, New York Times, 21 Mar. 2023
There’s a constant game of call and response: a honk, then screams from picketers.
—Jonah Valdez, Los Angeles Times, 16 Aug. 2023
By the afternoon, three honk shoooooos appeared alone on a spread.
—Ian Bogost, The Atlantic, 8 Oct. 2019
The honks come as single horn pumps, multi-toots, and long, sustained blares.
—Rachel Becker, The Verge, 7 June 2018
Strike captains worked hard to cajole those who drove on to the property to give up a honk — and some did.
—William Earl, Variety, 8 May 2023
For the most part, protesters stayed in their vehicles, content to jam the streets and honk.
—Shawn Windsor, Detroit Free Press, 16 Apr. 2020
My stress levels were so high that something as harmless as the honk of a car horn could send my heart rate to outer space.
—Brad Stulberg, Outside Online, 7 Mar. 2018
They were met with honks from passing cars and a high-five or discussion on gun laws from passersby.
—Sarah Freishtat, Aurora Beacon-News, 22 Feb. 2018
Mine is the honk of Canadian geese, which takes me back to life as a 20-year-old student, living in halls after a break-up.
—Fay Bound Alberti, Quartz, 25 Nov. 2019
By noon on Saturday, about two dozen people were milling on the Capitol steps, waving at the honks from passers-by.
—, 22 June 2019
Commuters joined the cacophony with their honks and screams.
—Gustavo Arellano, Los Angeles Times, 14 July 2023
Signs warning drivers to signal their presence with a honk presage two bends in the narrow pass, which is wide enough for about one and a half cars.
—Ben Brazil,, 16 Feb. 2018
The sign has elicited honks, middle fingers and a few shouted four-letter words.
—Hailey Branson-Potts,, 24 Sep. 2017
Some honk and stick their fist out the car window in solidarity.
—Dallas News, 29 June 2020
They were greeted with friendly honks, high-fives and thumbs-up gestures from drivers and passersby.
—Jacqueline Lee, The Mercury News, 11 May 2017
About a half hour into the walk, one driver notices the yellow-vested faith walkers and taps four honks of approval.
—Ryan Martin, Indianapolis Star, 20 May 2018
Babies clung to their parents and parents to their children as honks and hand gestures were exchanged.
—Shelly Rivoli,, 11 July 2019
The protesters marched up and down the edge of the property—careful not to trespass lest Broccoli call the police—while honks came in from passing cars.
—Seyward Darby, Longreads, 10 July 2023
And the crowd erupted in cheers as cars passed on Melrose Avenue, letting off a near-constant stream of supportive honks.
—Reis Thebault, Washington Post, 4 May 2023
The rare honk is usually meant to alert, not intimidate.
—Tom Vanderbilt, Outside Online, 14 Nov. 2019
Simmel was worried about street lamps, murals, the occasional honk of a horn.
—Andrew Marantz, The New Yorker, 7 Oct. 2019
The calf makes a kazoo-like honk as Helaria lowers her head to check us out, stomping the ground with her muscular hind leg and shaking off a fly from her ear.
—Alex Postman, Condé Nast Traveler, 9 Oct. 2019
Through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the second-floor lounges in Brightline’s stations, riders can’t hear the honks of South Florida commuters.
—Meryl Kornfield,, 3 July 2018
Some honk at their fellow drivers, and others slow down in confusion.
—Dallas News, 16 June 2022
The honks of sweeping Canada geese became roars as the sounds reverberated off the still water and valley walls.
—Matt Wyatt,, 6 June 2020
The strikers, many wearing red T-shirts, waved placards and acknowledged honks of support from passing motorists.
—Neal E. Boudette Brittany Greeson, New York Times, 15 Sep. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'honk.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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