How to Use flaw in a Sentence
That rule, however, which dates to 1887, has been flawed from the start.
—Matt Martell, New York Times, 11 June 2023
Yet despite all the improvements, there are pieces of tech that have been flawed for years.
—Brian X. Chen, New York Times, 10 Jan. 2024
For some who have followed the case, the Supreme Court ruling was the culmination of a process that has been flawed at every step of the way.
—Joe Heim, Washington Post, 6 July 2023
Some researchers believe there is some merit to those concerns, even if the memo was flawed.
—Angelo Fichera, New York Times, 29 Dec. 2023
Even body mass index—the tool that providers use to diagnose obesity—may be flawed.
—Claire Bugos, Verywell Health, 19 Jan. 2024
But if the structure is flawed, the acting and characterization of the central trio are not.
—Alan Sepinwall, Rolling Stone, 27 Oct. 2023
Rather than finally admit the approach was flawed, Congress doubled down and passed Dodd-Frank.
—Norbert Michel, Forbes, 23 Mar. 2023
The portal patchwork worked well to create buzz around the program and flip USC from a total mess into a team that, while flawed, could spend time in the top 10 and tease its fans into believing.
—J. Brady McCollough, Los Angeles Times, 15 Oct. 2023
Each inspection requires two months to dismantle the engine, replace the discs (if flawed), and reassemble them.
—Popular Mechanics, 27 July 2023
Experts have said that the process for Syria’s rehabilitation has been flawed.
—Nadeen Ebrahim, CNN, 29 Sep. 2023
Sternlicht, whose hedge fund manages over $100 billion, said that Powell’s argument that the economy will not slow down due to the current banking crisis was flawed.
—Prarthana Prakash, Fortune, 24 Mar. 2023
According to the authors of the rebuttal, the dating technique that had been used for the 2018 findings had been flawed, resulting in the possible overestimation of the arts’ age.
—Sam Walters, Discover Magazine, 21 June 2023
Several of the justices also noted that Hansen may be entitled to win a retrial for part of his case because the jury instructions were flawed.
—David G. Savage, Los Angeles Times, 27 Mar. 2023
In fact, in several key moments, the film lends a vulnerability to the working-class hero, flawed in the most human of ways, fueled by a dream to provide a better life for his family.
—Yolanda MacHado,, 16 June 2023
The film itself is flawed, compromised by its own subject matter and an explosive marketing campaign.
—Lauren Puckett-Pope, ELLE, 24 July 2023
The institute denied that the studies were flawed, as did the lead author, James Studnicki, who is vice president and director of data analytics at the institute.
—Pam Belluck, New York Times, 9 Feb. 2024
Researchers are left with studies modestly flawed in different ways and new data that contradicts older findings.
—Karen Weintraub, USA TODAY, 18 Feb. 2023
Despite the government’s insistence that voting will be fair, Claudia Ortiz, a lawyer and legislator for the opposition party Vamos, believes that the law is flawed.
—Soudi Jiménez, Los Angeles Times, 27 Dec. 2023
However, an Apple spokesperson has labeled the ITC's decision as flawed, indicating that the company intends to appeal.
—Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report, Fox News, 19 Dec. 2023
Some experts even argue that the very tests that measure an AI’s human-like abilities are inherently flawed by only focusing on certain types of intelligence.
—Darren Orf, Popular Mechanics, 17 May 2023
The current two-division model is flawed, so the current thinking goes, because cross-division opponents meet so infrequently.
—Joseph Goodman | [email protected], al, 6 Mar. 2023
This was partly because measures were flawed, deficient, or uncompleted.
—WIRED, 24 Oct. 2023
Martha Bennett, principal analyst at Forrester Research, said these motivations in themselves were flawed.
—Marco Quiroz-Gutierrez, Fortune Crypto, 27 July 2023
Shortly after projections showed former President Donald Trump would lose Georgia and the 2020 presidential election, one of his tweets, above, erroneously called the state's election processes flawed.
—Jim Sergent, USA TODAY, 25 Aug. 2023
Because metal typically requires high temperatures to shift its form, many scientists believed the simulations were flawed, Demkowicz says.
—Lucy Tu, Scientific American, 1 Oct. 2023
The chief problem, the notice said, is that the EPA’s 2015 standards are flawed, inadequately administered and are allowing substandard devices to be certified, thus creating more pollution and deceiving consumers.
—Yereth Rosen, Anchorage Daily News, 13 July 2023
Heritage conservation in Egypt has become a source of debate following several controversial projects that had resulted in razing historic areas and flawed renovation of hundreds-year-old mosques.
—Ayat Al-Tawy, ABC News, 2 Feb. 2024
The bullpen has been this team’s biggest flaw all year.
—Evan Grant, Dallas News, 31 Aug. 2023
One of the lessons of his work is to beware the flaws of democracy.
—Time, 1 Aug. 2023
In his view, this points to a design flaw in the door plug itself.
—Sam Dean, Los Angeles Times, 9 Jan. 2024
The sheets fit nicely over every corner of the bed with no flaws.
—Michelle Rostamian, Better Homes & Gardens, 4 Jan. 2024
Ultimately, that feels like a virtue of the movie, rather than a flaw.
—Robert Abele, Los Angeles Times, 22 Dec. 2023
The lights are low enough to hide flaws like duct tape covering rips in the seating.
—Marina Johnson, Detroit Free Press, 5 July 2023
Even now, some people try to find flaws that Robinson had to cut him down.
—Houston Mitchell, Los Angeles Times, 15 Apr. 2024
There’s a fatal flaw: the audience will never be able to taste the food.
—Helen Rosner, The New Yorker, 23 Apr. 2024
By striving to enumerate flaws in the art rather than in the people who make it, for one thing.
—Ty Burr, Washington Post, 16 Feb. 2024
The texture is silky slick and smooth with even color throughout, and no loose threads or flaws.
—Kathleen Felton, Better Homes & Gardens, 29 Jan. 2024
The baddie has to have something humanizing in him, and the hero has to have some flaws.
—Alex Barasch, The New Yorker, 28 Jan. 2024
But that wasn’t enough, a reminder that some of these flaws could end up being fatal.
—Dan Woike, Los Angeles Times, 14 Mar. 2024
For starters, the orb might have coding flaws that could let a hacker decipher all the iris scans.
—Jeff John Roberts, Fortune Crypto, 25 July 2023
But loving your country doesn’t mean turning a blind eye to its flaws.
—Nancy Armour, USA TODAY, 21 July 2023
Asness argued that there’s a flaw in the logic behind this idea.
—Will Daniel, Fortune, 16 Feb. 2024
Every flaw will be exposed in the Big 12, especially the lack of depth.
—Jon Wilner, The Mercury News, 10 May 2024
The flaws that were exposed at this World Cup didn’t develop overnight and they won’t be fixed overnight, either.
—USA TODAY, 7 Aug. 2023
Love them enough that our knowing — the structural inevitability of the play — is neither a flaw nor, in fact, the point.
—Sara Holdren, Vulture, 10 Oct. 2023
The only flaw with this repellent is the size of the bottle, which isn’t very portable.
—Staff Author, Verywell Health, 2 Aug. 2023
While the town may seem picture perfect to outsiders, the outlet reports a handful of flaws have plagued it for years.
—Natalia Senanayake, Peoplemag, 8 Dec. 2023
But a study of the historical record reveals the flaws in this assumption.
—Yasheng Huang, Foreign Affairs, 25 Sep. 2023
And then everyone gets to critique it, everyone gets to try and call out flaws.
—Ilana Kaplan, Peoplemag, 8 Nov. 2023
Fact: Humanity’s only flaw is the weird pinkie toe with the stubby nail.
—Jay Katsir, The New Yorker, 4 Sep. 2023
Then, that working to understanding that, yes, King has flaws, but King also changed and grew and evolved over time.
—Lisa Deaderick, San Diego Union-Tribune, 14 Jan. 2024
However, the fatal flaw with the keyboard is the definition of the shine-thru keycaps.
—Mark Sparrow, Forbes, 14 Feb. 2024
But Take Note One flaw is that the mattress has a plastic smell that sticks around for a few hours once the mattress is removed from its packaging.
—Ambrosia V. Brody, Parents, 28 Mar. 2024
The flaw is the third zero-day exploit Google has uncovered this year targeting Chrome users.
—Michael Kan, PCMAG, 6 June 2023
Ferrari The Bottom Line Not without flaws, but mostly fast and furious, with a brain.
—David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter, 31 Aug. 2023
For all our flaws, the U.S. is an innovative society that, in the past, has been able to recreate and reinvent itself.
—TIME, 17 Apr. 2024
The general consensus of the the defense’s witnesses was Elders has flaws but is a good person who made mistakes.
—James Hartley, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 1 May 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'flaw.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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