How to Use encyclical in a Sentence
The environment and caring for the Earth are key issues for the Pope, who penned an encyclical on climate change in 2015.
—Maya Rhodan, Time, 5 June 2017
Little is known about the latest encyclical at the moment, but some of Francis' most recent speeches and comments seem to hint at its content and scope.
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 8 Sep. 2020
Such a change in policy would normally come in the form of a papal document, such as an encyclical, not blurted out in a film.
—Flavia Rotondi,, 22 Oct. 2020
Catholic teaching has also sometimes endorsed a right to medical care, as in the 1963 encyclical Pacem in Terris.
—Ramesh Ponnuru, Twin Cities, 4 June 2017
The Pope has made climate change a cornerstone of his papacy, saying in an encyclical letter that the science around the topic is clear and that the Catholic Church should view it as a moral issue.
—Fortune, 1 June 2018
Sister Teresa Maya, the group’s leader, said the nuns were influenced by Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment five years ago.
—Elaine Ayala,, 4 Aug. 2020
During Trump’s visit to the Vatican, Pope Francis made a personal appeal to the president to stay in the agreement, by presenting him with the pontiff’s 2015 encyclical on climate change.
—Joshua Busby, Washington Post, 1 June 2017
The pope’s message and the encyclical, basically guidance to clergy and the faithful on key environmental issues, were applauded by the crowd.
—Lucien Chauvin, Washington Post, 19 Jan. 2018
Pope Francis, another leading voice for environmental concerns, on Wednesday urged Trump to change his stance on the issue, giving him as a gift a copy of his encyclical on climate change.
—Oren Dorell, USA TODAY, 25 May 2017
Tornielli, the Vatican editorial chief, said the themes of the encyclical, fraternity and social friendship, are precisely the themes that unite men and women.
—Nicole Winfield, Star Tribune, 16 Sep. 2020
Likewise his encyclical Laudato Si’ adds new force to previous Church teaching on stewardship of the environment.
—Francis X. Maier, National Review, 20 Mar. 2020
The conference will be a follow-up to the pope's encyclical three years ago calling on people to save the planet from climate change and other environmental ills, Vatican spokesman Greg Burke confirmed Friday.
—Nicole Winfield and Seth Borenstein,, 2 June 2018
The pope, when elected in 2013, chose St. Francis of Assisi as his namesake saint, and earlier this month, the pontiff journeyed to that hill town in Umbria to sign an encyclical, or important church teaching document, about brotherhood.
—, 25 Oct. 2020
Francis has been a vocal believer in the dangers of climate change and became the first pope in history to use an encyclical letter solely to address the issue, writing in 2015 that humans are exploiting nature.
—Andrew Mark Miller, Washington Examiner, 9 Apr. 2020
In Catholic doctrine, the encyclical Rerum novarum, released in 1891, stressed the importance of this human right, so essential for a prosperous and virtuous economy.
—Alejandro Chafuen, Forbes, 10 Dec. 2021
In Rome, a senior cardinal, Peter Turkson, has called for just war teaching to be abolished and has said the pope could write an encyclical letter, a major papal document, reorienting the church’s position on the matter.
—Christopher Lamb, USA TODAY, 14 Oct. 2017
For the first time, this year, the conference will include an interactive, multimedia prayer experience on Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change, Bazyouros said.
—Deepa Bharath, Orange County Register, 23 Feb. 2017
Early in his papacy, Francis issued an encyclical, or formal teaching document, stressing the need to treasure and protect the environment.
—, 28 June 2021
The Pope issued a lengthy encyclical warning of an imminent environmental collapse.
—Daniel Burke, CNN, 23 May 2017
His papal documents, especially the 1864 encyclical Quanta Cura and its appendix, the Syllabus of Errors, pushed back hard, though not always wisely, against modernity.
—David P. Deavel, National Review, 24 Oct. 2019
In a 2015 encyclical letter, Francis backed the conclusion of scientists who argue that human activity, especially the burning of fossil fuels, is a major contributor to climate change.
—Adriana Leon,, 21 Jan. 2018
Pope Paul also wrote the controversial 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae, which reaffirmed the church’s traditional prohibition of artificial birth control.
—Francis X. Rocca, WSJ, 19 May 2018
What was so special about John Paul II’s encyclical on the rosary?
—Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review, 30 Sep. 2017
Merkley asked Gingrich whether Trump has read the encyclical.
—Richard Lardner,, 18 July 2017
The pope will sign his third encyclical at the tomb of St. Francis in Assisi on Oct. 3, the day before the feast day of the famous friar.
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 8 Sep. 2020
Inside the Catholic Church, the release of an encyclical is a once-every-couple-years event.
—Washington Post, 4 Oct. 2020
The concern about language in the title will increase the focus on the language of the entire encyclical.
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 8 Sep. 2020
When Trump visited the Vatican in 2017, Francis gave him a copy of the encyclical as a gift.
—Nicholas Rowan, Washington Examiner, 20 May 2020
Such a change in policy would come in the form of a papal document known as an encyclical.
—John Follain,, 21 Oct. 2020
In any case, the Pope's encyclical on the environment calls for more than climate accords.
—Daniel Burke, CNN, 24 May 2017
Among the three documents the pope presented Trump as a gift was his 2015 encyclical on the need to protect the environment.
—Colleen Barry, The Seattle Times, 26 May 2017
Unless the encyclical contains more pictures than words, Trump is unlikely to read it.
—Jeff Darcy,, 26 May 2017
Pope Francis sparked a media frenzy in 2015 with the release of his second encyclical, Laudato Si.
—Emily Atkin, The New Republic, 27 Feb. 2018
In a 70-page encyclical, the highest form of papal teaching, Pope Francis outlined his vision for a post-pandemic world.
—Paul Douglas, Star Tribune, 6 Oct. 2020
Pope Francis reproached him by giving him his encyclical on climate change.
—Dana Milbank,, 3 June 2017
At their first meeting on Wednesday at the Vatican, the Pope gave Trump a copy of his 2015 encyclical calling for urgent, drastic cuts in fossil-fuel emissions.
—, 24 May 2017
Earlier in the week, Pope Francis made that case with a gift of his papal encyclical on the environment when Trump visited the Vatican.
—CBS News, 27 May 2017
Francis also wrote an entire encyclical about the environment and the moral imperative to save God’s creation, denouncing how the wealthy had destroyed the Earth at the expense of the poor.
—Washington Post, 4 May 2017
The compendium suggests practical steps to achieve the goals of the encyclical, which strongly supported agreements to contain global warming and warned against the dangers of climate change.
—NBC News, 18 June 2020
Pope Francis has long been an advocate for the environment, even devoting a 2015 encyclical, Laudato si’, to the issue of climate change.
—Gabriella Paiella, The Cut, 12 Sep. 2017
Among the gifts Francis presented to the president was a copy of the pontiff’s 2015 encyclical on the environment and its relationship to social justice.
—Philip Rucker, The Denver Post, 24 May 2017
Pope Francis said so in his 2015 encyclical on the environment and human ecology.
—Ben Rosen, The Christian Science Monitor, 2 May 2017
Pope Francis already made the case with a gift of his papal encyclical on the environment when Trump visited the Vatican earlier this week.
—Seth Borenstein, The Seattle Times, 27 May 2017
The encyclical is a clear reckoning with the multifaceted climate crisis.
—James Carroll, The New Yorker, 2 June 2017
Francis gave the U.S. president a copy of his 2015 encyclical calling for urgent, drastic cuts in fossil-fuel emissions after a half-hour meeting in his private study.
—Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, 24 May 2017
In the lead-up to Francis’s previous encyclical, in 2015, the church held a splashy multimedia rollout in a Vatican hall for journalists and other church officials.
—Washington Post, 4 Oct. 2020
Zmirak claims that the article cites one papal encyclical and statements by the U.S. bishops rather than the catechism as authoritative, that is, binding on the conscience of faithful Catholics.
—Ramesh Ponnuru, National Review, 3 Oct. 2019
In his 2015 encyclical on climate change, for instance, Pope Francis invoked the end of days to argue for the preservation of the earth, urging followers to protect God’s creation until Jesus’s return.
—Popular Science, 23 Jan. 2020
Pope Francis presented the president with a copy of his encyclical on preserving the environment, which is a rebuke of climate change deniers.
—Jeff Darcy,, 26 May 2017
The pope, in his encyclical, said climate change is real and is a result of human activity, not overpopulation.
—Nathan Percy, Orange County Register, 27 Feb. 2017
The encyclical is expected to stress the value of brotherly relations during and after the pandemic, a theme Francis has evoked repeatedly during the crisis.
—Washington Post, 5 Sep. 2020
Francis had started writing the encyclical, the third of his pontificate, before the coronavirus struck and its bleak diagnosis of a human family falling apart goes far beyond the problems posed by the outbreak.
—CBS News, 5 Oct. 2020
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'encyclical.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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