How to Use antimatter in a Sentence
Now, scientists have made some antimatter in a lab and used that to test one of these ideas.
—John Timmer, Ars Technica, 16 Nov. 2019
The thing about antimatter is that there just really isn’t very much of it at all.
—Adam Rogers, Wired, 31 Mar. 2021
So the real thing about antimatter is that physicists don’t know very much about it.
—Adam Rogers, Wired, 31 Mar. 2021
Zandri and Hooker are like pop music’s matter and antimatter, and it’s among the film’s virtues to leave it doubt which is which.
—Richard Brody, The New Yorker, 27 Feb. 2021
In other words, does an antimatter droplet fall down or up?
—Rahul Rao, Popular Science, 27 Sep. 2023
And there’s a universe where all your matter is replaced with antimatter, and so on.
—Paul M. Sutter, Discover Magazine, 15 June 2023
This picture at first seemed just a manner of speaking but soon led to the discovery of antimatter.
—Philip Ball, Scientific American, 21 May 2018
Even that tiny imbalance was sufficient to wipe out all of the antimatter in the universe in about one second.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 27 Sep. 2023
Its precise descriptions of force fields and antimatter cannons seemed ready-made for the screen.
—Samuel Horti, New York Times, 6 Nov. 2023
The first stage will see the FCC collide electrons with positrons, the antimatter electron counterpart.
—Avery Thompson, Popular Mechanics, 16 Jan. 2019
Researchers have now shown for the first time that antimatter behaves in the same unintuitive way.
—Bailey Bedford, Discover Magazine, 6 May 2019
The experiment set out to measure cosmic rays to see if any of them came from antimatter.
—Nathaniel Scharping, Discover Magazine, 15 May 2021
What if there had been exactly equal amounts of matter and antimatter?
—Ethan Siegel, Forbes, 17 June 2021
In the beginning, there was matter and antimatter, and then there was only matter.
—Clara Moskowitz, Scientific American, 23 Apr. 2020
At least four spacewalks are needed to fix the spectrometer, on the hunt for elusive dark matter and antimatter for 8 ½ years.
—Washington Post, 22 Nov. 2019
Both of these types of antimatter likely form during the collision of cosmic rays.
—Jennifer Leman, Popular Mechanics, 7 Oct. 2021
The $2 billion instrument has been up there hunting for antimatter and dark matter for 8 ½ years.
—Marcia Dunn,, 2 Dec. 2019
In the lab, Wu and Shaknov used it to bombard a sheet of copper with deuterons, generating an unstable isotope, Cu 64, as a source of positrons—the antimatter.
—Michelle Frank, Scientific American, 13 Mar. 2023
In a project that began last month, researchers will transport antimatter by truck and then use it to study the strange behaviour of rare radioactive nuclei.
—Elizabeth Gibney, Scientific American, 21 Feb. 2018
As a result of this process, known as beta decay, the nucleus also emits an electron or its antimatter partner, the positron.
—Paul Sutter, Ars Technica, 11 June 2024
Antiquarks are the opposite of quarks and are considered a type of antimatter.
—Caroline Delbert and Courtney Linder, Popular Mechanics, 29 July 2021
In 1928, one man finally succeeded, and in the process, managed to predict the existence of antimatter.
—Avery Thompson, Popular Mechanics, 23 June 2017
The Blakes’ house and Faden’s workshop are matter and antimatter, absolute contraries.
—Alan Jacobs, Harper's Magazine, 12 Oct. 2021
So how did the researchers at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf figure out how to generate antimatter?
—Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 21 Sep. 2021
But to isolate it in superfluid helium is a big job, one that Mills’s lab will do by tuning a special antimatter beam.
—Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 9 Dec. 2019
Instead, they are almost always found in groups of three in particles known as baryons—including the proton and neutron—or in pairs called mesons, which consist of a quark and an antimatter quark.
—Adrian Cho, Science | AAAS, 5 June 2019
No, these mattresses are not stuffed with caviar or antimatter or five hundred and thirty-nine thousand dollars in unmarked bills.
—Patricia Marx, The New Yorker, 20 June 2022
Looking at a list of energy densities, the only thing that could work is some type of nuclear battery or an antimatter source.
—Rhett Allain, WIRED, 4 May 2024
During this process the beauty quark turns into a strange quark and produces a pair of leptons—specifically, a lepton and its antimatter partner.
—Andreas Crivellin, Scientific American, 23 Oct. 2022
And the decay of heavy neutrinos moments after the Big Bang has been suggested as the possible reason why there’s so much more matter than antimatter in the universe.
—Quanta Magazine, 28 Oct. 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'antimatter.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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