Words to Describe prison
Things prison often describes ("prison ________")
- building
- labours
- characters
- conditions
- breaking
- based
- ships
- walls
- officers
- ethics
- gary
- rules
- visiting
- labour
- contacts
- letters
- doors
- door
- poems
- memoirs
- riots
- end
- bound
- officer
- bounds
- experiences
- mill
- bars
- house
- born
- industrial
- camps
- dietaries
- population
- rhyme
- camp
- administration
- discipline
- hygiene
- thoughts
- ship
- breaker
- management
- governor
- commission
- life
- scene
- the
- inmates
- regulations
- horrors
- bolts
- labor
- scenes
- examination
- literature
- reform
- trends
- reforms
- gate
- journals
- statistics
- commissioners
- cell
- made
- amusements
- ministry
How prison often is described ("________ prison")
- chinese
- english
- secure
- modern
- spanish
- terrible
- austrian
- turkish
- territorial
- infamous
- vast
- worst
- security
- central
- close
- old
- cold
- temporary
- state
- dreary
- common
- notorious
- famous
- former
- outside
- dismal
- japanese
- huge
- soviet
- ordinary
- open
- grim
- maximum
- horrible
- confederate
- british
- filthy
- underground
- earthly
- nearby
- northern
- dreadful
- german
- minimum
- royal
- new
- eternal
- russian
- federal
- juvenile
- military
- narrow
- loathsome
- gloomy
- post
- mexican
- simulated
- perpetual
- male
- inner
- female
- civil
- secret
- french
- largest
- dark
- southern
- siberian
- local
- roman