Words to Describe hornblende
Things hornblende often describes ("hornblende ________")
- diabases
- series
- porphyries
- porphyrite
- hypersthene
- diorites
- crystals
- quartz
- granites
- aggregates
- granite
- granodiorites
- andesite
- garnet
- assemblages
- gneisses
- lamprophyre
- prisms
- pyroxenites
- dolerite
- sphene
- shows
- basalts
- soda
- trachyte
- diabase
- granulites
- barometry
- diorite
- peridotite
- andesites
- syenite
- granodiorite
- and
- hornfels
- barometer
- schists
- pyroxene
- gabbros
- facies
- rock
- ages
- gneiss
- biotite
- out
- rocks
- slates
- rhyolite
- phenocrysts
- syenites
- grains
- schist
- fibres
- mica
- plagioclase
- porphyry
- granulite
- epidote
- gabbro
- basalt
- association
- tonalite
- porphyrites
- bearing
- pairs
- picrites
- dolerites
- dacite
- slate
- picrite
- crystal
- weathers
- trachytes
- geothermometer
How hornblende often is described ("________ hornblende")
- sodic
- light
- igneous
- rare
- secondary
- columnar
- original
- grained
- idioblastic
- granular
- colored
- subhedral
- coloured
- much
- deep
- euhedral
- predominant
- interstitial
- polished
- blackish
- aluminous
- less
- abundant
- lustrous
- compact
- common
- primary
- fresh
- alkalic
- alkaline
- colorless
- uralitic
- schistose
- massive
- ordinary
- minor
- anhedral
- little
- biotite
- black
- magmatic
- pale
- foliated
- idiomorphic
- porphyritic
- poikilitic
- bearing
- brown
- green
- decomposed
- greenish
- garnet
- brownish
- unaltered
- occasional
- barkevikitic
- like
- resorbed
- accessory
- acicular
- subordinate
- poikiloblastic
- feldspar
- fibrous
- pure
- quartz
- basaltic
- rich
- homogeneous
- prismatic
- coarse
- relict
- trachytic
- blue
- metamorphic
- dark
- olivine
- crystalline
- bluish
- pleochroic
- olive