: of or relating to men or traditionally or stereotypically male interests, qualities, or activities
This has been a godsend to teachers looking for a female angle in the generally blokeish world of Roman military history.—Mary Beard, Times Literary Supplement, 6 Oct. 2006
I asked him if he thought that the feminist group … might have formed in opposition to this blokish element in the college.—Helen Garner, The First Stone, 1995
… the way in which the great French hostesses of the seventeenth century, … converted society from a blokeish and witless boys' club into the locus of refinement and wit.—Times Literary Supplement, 6 Dec. 2002
… Rolf had ceased jovially welcoming him to the henpecked husbands club and thumping him on the back in blokeish camaraderie …—Alexandra Potter, Calling Romeo, 2004
or less commonly blokishness
… a brand of cockney blokeishness that was curiously appealing. … His was the voice of the common man. —Vincent Graff, Evening Standard (London), 7 June 1993
His rumpled blokeishness could help to persuade voters that the Tories are more than a bunch of unfeeling toffs. —Economist, 13 Dec. 2008